DGPR Concluded Consultative meetings and trainings in Rubavu and Karongi Districts | Rwanda
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DGPR Concluded Consultative meetings and trainings in Rubavu and Karongi Districts

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda successfully held consultative meetings and trainings for party members in Rubavu and Karongi districts on 28th January 2018.

During the consultative meetings, members elected two parliamentary candidates, both male and female, who will represent those districts.

Members also elected district committee leaders, while others had their mandates renewed.

The trainings offered skills in management of political conflicts, rules and regulations regarding elections and electoral campaigns, women involvement in decision making organs, gender issues and the party’s political ideology.

These consultative meetings will continue for the remaining 13 districts as a key activity in the preparation of the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Done at Kigali on 31st January 2018