Declaration of The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda | Rwanda
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Declaration of The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda

Declaration Of The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda

WHEREAS the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda remains very committed to the democratization process of the country and continues to be an active partner in seeking for a sustainable solution for Rwanda ;

AWARE of the current nature of Rwanda's political environment especially before and after the August 2010 presidential elections, to which different political parties might have unique reactions and strategies ;

REMEMBERING our slain First Vice President, Andre Kagwa RWISEREKA ;

COGNIZANT of the political agenda of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda which is also inspired by the Global Greens and African Greens Principles, which are : Non-Violence, Participatory Democracy, Social Justice, Respect for Diversity, Sustainable Development and Ecological wisdom ;

COMMITTED to the above mentioned principles ;

CONSCIOUS of the urgent need to strengthen the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda from within and meet the challenges thereof ;

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda hereby stops its membership and responsibilities from the Permanent Consultative Council of Opposition Parties in Rwanda-PCC.

Done on this 28th day of December 2010


Founding President

Democratic Green Party of Rwanda