Democratic Green Party of Rwanda has officially been Registered. | Rwanda
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Democratic Green Party of Rwanda has officially been Registered.

DGPR's Registration Certificate
DGPR's Registration Certificate

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda is pleased to inform all its party members, well-wishers, members of the media and the general public that it has finally received its registration certificate from Rwanda Governance Board, today, 9th August 2013.

This is a very important step forward in the democratisation process of Rwanda. The struggle to get the party registered has taken four years. The Party was officially launched on 14th August 2009 and journey has been very tough.

 We would like to take on this opportunity to thank the Government of Rwanda for allowing the party to get registered. We hope the Government will continue opening more space for opposition politics and let democracy take root in Rwanda.

We are also grateful to all the members of the media, diplomats accredited to Rwanda, the international community and all Friends of the Rwandan Greens for having stood with us all this time. We request you to continue doing so.

The deadline for submitting lists of parliamentary candidates for the September elections is Monday, 12th August. The timing is very short. We take on this opportunity to request the National Electoral Commission to extend the deadline to at least one more week.


Done at Kigali, 9th August 2013



President, Democratic Green Party of Rwanda


DGPR's Registration Certificate
Recieving the certificate from Prof.Shyaka
With Rwanda Governance Board
at RGB
at RGB
S.G, Jean Claude Ntezimana
at RGB
DGPR Executive officials at RGB
RGB Chief, Prof.Shyaka Anastase
RGB Chief handing over the certificate