Press Statement: DGPR’s stand on Ndi Umunyarwanda and National Political Parties Forum | Rwanda
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Press Statement: DGPR’s stand on Ndi Umunyarwanda and National Political Parties Forum

Some members of DGPR's political Bureau
Some members of DGPR's political Bureau

The Political Bureau of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda during its meeting on 7th March 2014 at Auberge Bel Angle, Kimironko, Kigali, among other things finalised discussions on the ‘Ndi Umunyarwanda’ program and the National Consultative Political Parties Forum.

The Party supports the objective of ensuring and encouraging all the different people’s groups in Rwanda to put aside their differences and promote the spirit of being Rwandans (Ndi Umunyarwanda). The party however, calls for the following changes:

  1. Requesting for pardon, should only be for those who were involved in genocides acts, but request it from those they wronged.
  1. Those supposed to grant pardon, are encouraged to do so, instead of keeping quiet, so that the country can move to the next level.
  1. Those who were in power or governed Rwanda from the time it became a nation-state to 1994 genocide against Tutsi’s, should also own up their leadership mistakes and request pardon from all Rwandans. These include the last King of Rwanda, representing the monarchy and those still alive in both the first and second Republics.  We believe that if this is done, it will help in bringing true unity and reconciliation, since all regimes wronged Rwandans in one way or another.
  1. History of Rwanda should be taught in its genuinity but not be altered to appease ruling regimes.

DGPR also finalized discussions on the National Consultative Political Parties Forum and resolved to apply to join, in order to give the party a chance to share its political program with other political leaders and promote the culture of debate as an opposition party with those in the ruling coalition on different matters affecting the state.


Done at Kigali on 10th March 2014


Dr.Frank Habineza

 President, Democratic Green Party of Rwanda




Some members of DGPR's political Bureau